Meet the team - part 1
Kicking off our meet the team series… Leanne - fashion obsessed.
Leanne joined us during the winter lockdown, bringing heaps of design talent with her and fresh idea. Taking cues from travel and trends, Leanne starts her design process with a 2D jewellery drawing and collaborates with our artisans on all the finer details to create the sample. Samples with that spark get signed off for production. Colours are fixed, materials selected, and craftsmanship begins on the other side of the globe. She recalls receiving delivery of her very first jewellery order with such a BUZZ.
Leanne is the girl behind so many best-selling pieces, including our bold star trinket dish and gold shell necklace with charming details.

Leanne then leads on logistics, ensuring a super smooth production process, shipping schedule and seasonal stocking. The creativity continues at home, too, with Leanne’s embroidery business @l_jacqueline and weekends hanging out in creative spaces like South Kensington's V&A.
The variety of Leanne’s role is what she thrives on - every day is different, and she loves feeling empowered to bring new ideas to life, keeping creativity at the core of My Doris.
Today Leanne is rocking her My Doris bamboo hoops – classic, with an edge. And she won’t ever part with her mood-boosting, rainbow-hued beaded necklace – Signature Leanne.

New autumn/winter pieces - coming soon.