Chats with model Juliana Formicola
Down-to-earth and hardworking with a signature style that mixes vintage with classic to create a feminine look. ‘I’ve always loved to look a bit different and not just slavishly follow fashions,’ shares Juliana.
How I got into modelling:
Relatively late at 42. My hair had gone grey and I saw an older model appear every week in The Guardian’s Saturday fashion pages. I was curious to see which agency she was with, so I reached out and they just happened to be auditioning the next week. They took me on and it grew from there – fate perhaps. I have since worked with the model, Pam, who initially caught my eye. She seemed so pleased when I told her how she'd inspired me! My aunt was a model in the 60s (one of the first Flake girls) too and this also got me interested. A portfolio highlight would have to be my recent cover for Stella Magazine, with my grey hair in the spotlight!
How I got into modelling:
Relatively late at 42. My hair had gone grey and I saw an older model appear every week in The Guardian’s Saturday fashion pages. I was curious to see which agency she was with, so I reached out and they just happened to be auditioning the next week. They took me on and it grew from there – fate perhaps. I have since worked with the model, Pam, who initially caught my eye. She seemed so pleased when I told her how she'd inspired me! My aunt was a model in the 60s (one of the first Flake girls) too and this also got me interested. A portfolio highlight would have to be my recent cover for Stella Magazine, with my grey hair in the spotlight!

Rituals I live by:
My morning starts with a strong pot of leaf tea – at the moment my favourite is M&S luxury gold tea! And my day ends with putting on my night creams, silk eye mask, and pillow spray - all in the hope of getting a good night’s sleep.
My morning starts with a strong pot of leaf tea – at the moment my favourite is M&S luxury gold tea! And my day ends with putting on my night creams, silk eye mask, and pillow spray - all in the hope of getting a good night’s sleep.

Working with My Doris:
My favourite My Doris piece is the Lapis Lazuili Starburst ring, it makes a statement and has an elegant glamour. The shoot felt very relaxed and intimate, maybe because it was shot in a real house. I loved getting to try on all the jewellery and outfits - dressing up is my favourite thing!

My Downtime:

My Downtime:
I’ve just finished ‘Trio’ by William Boyd who is one of my favourite writers. This book centres around a film set in 1968 and the 3 main characters’ secret lives. I was sorry when I reached the last page - I just didn’t want it to end.
I missed Downton Abbey when it originally came out, now I’m on series 3 and loving it/trying not to binge watch. It’s good old-fashioned escapism and right now that’s what I need. I don’t want to watch depressing or scary things - there’s enough of that in real life at the moment!
At weekends I like to spend time keeping fit by playing racket ball and spinning. That combined with a bit of shopping and meeting friends is a perfect weekend!
Advice for anyone getting into the industry:
My advice to anyone getting into modelling would be not to expect things to happen instantly. It can look easy but there can be a lot of legwork involved and waiting around. But it’s worth the effort when you nail the job!